Category : science

by Heidi Harley - 4 years ago

Lightning Strikes Boeing Once Too Often

(Bloomberg Opinion) -- If you’re in the business of selling passenger aircraft, design flaws that might cause your planes to crash ought to be non-existent.That’s why the discovery of a second critical safety risk on Boeing Co.’s 737 Max is so alarmi...

by Heidi Harley - 4 years ago

Selfies: five times more deadly than shark attacks

Selfies, which have become a global sensation in the last decade or so, have remarkably killed five times more people than shark attacks. Between October 2011 and November 2017, at least 259 people died taking selfies around the globe, according to...

by Heidi Harley - 4 years ago

Graves of US WWII servicemen unearthed on Pacific island

An organization that searches for the remains of U.S. servicemen lost in past conflicts has found what officials believe are the graves of more than 30 Marines and sailors killed in one of the bloodiest battles of World War II. A team working on the...