Category : science

by Heidi Harley - 7 years ago

Fan Mail Friday #64 | Paralysis By Analysis

Time for Fan Mail Friday, where we'll be answering your questions and dropping some knowledge and feedback to help you kick the weekend off right. Let's cut to it! In this episode: You've resolved to make big changes in your life -- but how do you p...

by Heidi Harley - 7 years ago

516: Rob Norman | Improvising Now

Rob Norman (@robthenorman), co-host of The Backline podcast and author of Improvising Now, explains how we can use techniques from improvisational theater to conquer everyday life challenges. The Cheat Sheet: Improvisational theater skills go far be...

by Heidi Harley - 7 years ago

515: Cal Newport | Deep Work

Cal Newport revisits the show to talk about deep work and how focus can make you not only more productive and effective, but happier and more neurologically healthy. The Cheat Sheet: What's the difference between shallow work and deep work? Why is e...

by Heidi Harley - 7 years ago

Minisode Monday #2 | Reading People Quickly

Welcome to the second episode of Minisode Monday! We keep finding so so many useful tactics and tips that we want to share with you, but they don't fit into the format of a regular show -- hence, Minisode Monday. The Cheat Sheet: How can you start r...

by Heidi Harley - 7 years ago

Fan Mail Friday #63 | Lady Boner Killer

Time for Fan Mail Fridays, where we'll be answering your questions and dropping some knowledge and feedback to help you kick the weekend off right. In this episode: Is there a polite way to snap your friend out of a need for attention from the oppos...

by Heidi Harley - 7 years ago

514: Sam Harris | The Anti-Trump

Sam Harris (@samharrisorg) is a neuroscientist, author, and philosopher; he's also a staunch critic of religion (while being an advocate of mindfulness) who joins the show to discuss some views that -- fair warning -- many may find controversial. The...

by Heidi Harley - 7 years ago

513: Dr. Anders Ericsson | Science of Expertise

Dr. Anders Ericsson (@PeakTheBook) is the expert in finding out what it takes to become an expert. Here, he discusses Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise, his new book co-authored with Robert Pool. The Cheat Sheet: Innate talent is a myt...

by Heidi Harley - 7 years ago

Minisode Monday #1 | Taming Negative Emotional Biases

Welcome to the first episode of Minisode Monday! We keep finding so so many useful tactics and tips that we want to share with you, but they don't fit into the format of a regular show -- hence, Minisode Monday. But don't worry! We'll still present t...