Category : science

science / science - 4 years ago

Technology, temporary help keeps farmers on job longer

At 79 years old, Art McManus says he's still able to hop on the tractor and maintain the 160 acres of cherry trees at his orchard in Traverse City, Michigan. For McManus and many farmers across the country, assistive technology, help from seasonal h...

science / science - 4 years ago

One-stop clinics, a rare lifesaver for Zimbabwe's sick

Blessing Chingwaru could barely walk without support when he arrived at the specialist Rutsanana clinic in Harare complaining of chest pains and fatigue. Weighing a skeletal 37 kilogrammes (82 pounds), the HIV-positive motor mechanic knew something...

science / science - 4 years ago

Why Apollo 11 Matters

In an Oval Office meeting a few days after Soviet Russia launched Sputnik in October 1957, two points emerged. Eisenhower’s deputy defense secretary, Donald Quarles, told the president that “there was no doubt that the Redstone, had it been used, cou...

science / science - 4 years ago

Message to the moon: Celebrating 50 years of Apollo 11

Fifty years ago today, more than 650 million people witnessed one of the greatest achievements in the history of mankind. It was July 20, 1969, when Neil Armstrong spoke those now legendary words, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for m...