Category : science

by Heidi Harley - 5 years ago

Deep sea robots reveal mineral riches in the abyss

From the safety of their research vessel, scientists are exploring one of Earth's last frontiers - the sea floor - to discover more about valuable minerals vital in the manufacture of smartphones. The scientists, from the University of Bergen in Nor...

by Heidi Harley - 5 years ago

Quartz Africa Innovators 2018: A list of 30 pioneers

This is the fourth edition of the Quartz Africa Innovators, our annual series identifying some of the most ambitious and imaginative minds on the continent. The 30 movers and thinkers on this list range across fields from the arts and science to tech...

by Heidi Harley - 5 years ago

Apparently we’re all supposed to be nice to wasps now

Bees and wasps are two very different creatures. Bees are friendly little fellas that give us honey and might maybe leave a welt on your arm if you happen to cross into their personal space. Wasps, on the other hand, are nasty, aggressive fight-start...